1. Incarcerate – to lock a person up as a consequence for his or her actions
Synonyms: confine, detain, imprison, book, constrain, hold, immure, impound
Antonyms: free, release
Usage: The police are going to incarcerate the teen who keeps committing acts of violence.
2. Impiety – lack of respect for God
Synonyms: blasphemy, godlessness, heresy, irreverence, profanity
Antonyms: piety, faith
Usage: With an air of impiety, the woman scoffed at the religious texts which she considered fiction.
3. Hearken – to listen
Synonyms: apprehend, attend, auscultate, catch, descry, devour, eavesdrop
Antonyms: disregard, ignore, abstain
Usage: Confident and proud, the young man refused to hearken his parents’ advice.
4. Lugubrious – looking or sounding sad and gloomy
Synonyms: mournful, sorrowful, gloomy, pensive
Antonyms: cheerful, joyful
Usage: In his first novel, the mysterious postman is the perfect example of a lugubrious character.
5. Nescience – unawareness or ignorance
Synonyms: bewilderment, blindness, callowness, crudeness, denseness
Antonyms: familiarity, cognition, awareness
Usage: Peter’s nescience of current events causes him to speak unwisely about trending topics.
6. Peculate – embezzle or steal (money, especially public funds).
Synonyms: defalcate, pilfer, defraud
Antonyms: give
Usage: As a trustworthy accountant, Jim would never peculate money from the financial accounts he monitors.
7. Suffrage – the right to participate in making a decision
Synonyms: assent, attestation, consensus, franchise, petition, testimony
Antonyms: tyranny, abstain, negation
Usage: If the people in the small country had suffrage, they would remove the evil leader from power.
8. Staid – respectable
Synonyms: sedate, quiet, serious, serious-minded, steady, conventional
Antonyms: frivolous, daring, informal
Usage: staid old people
9. Concoct – create or devise
Synonyms: fabricate, invent, contrive, manufacture, trump up; devise
Antonyms: demolish, disorganize
Usage: Using only his cellphone, the talented filmmaker was able to concoct a wonderful film that won several awards.
10. Usurious – relating to or characterized by usury; extortionate.
Synonyms: acquisitive, avaricious, covetous, desirous, niggardly, penurious
Antonyms: generous, unselfish
Usage: The acts were directed to restrain the lending of money at usurious rates.