Vocabulary Set – 54

1. Labile – easily or frequently changed

Synonyms: unstable, vacillant, mutable, unsettled, adaptable, capricious

Antonyms: balanced, fixed

Usage: The labile currency can be changed out easily when visiting a different country.


2. Pander – indulge

Synonyms: cajole, gratify, massage, please, satisfy, snow

Antonyms: dissatisfy, annoy, disappoint

Usage: Because Jim wants his son to value a dollar, he does not pander to his whims by giving him everything he wants.


3. Militate – to influence or have an effect upon

Synonyms: resist, hinder, discourage, oppose, counter, prejudice

Antonyms: reinforce

Usage: In business, the demand will usually militate the product’s price.


4. Mordant – having or showing a sharp or critical quality

Synonyms: caustic, trenchant, biting, cutting, acerbic, sardonic, sarcastic

Antonyms: vague, uncritical

Usage: The mordant mother often used harsh words that made her son cry.


5. Impel – drive, force, or urge (someone) to do something.

Synonyms: compel, constrain, oblige, necessitate, require, demand

Antonyms: discourage, dissuade, repress

Usage: Financial difficulties impelled him to desperate measures


6. Officious – offensively intrusive or interfering

Synonyms: overbearing, overzealous, dictatorial, importunate

Antonyms: self-effacing

Usage: She doesn’t like it when officious strangers try to start a conversation in the checkout line.


7. Parity – the same in nature, value, or class

Synonyms: equality, uniformity, consistency, congruence, parallelism

Antonyms: discrepancy, disproportion, contrast, deviation

Usage: As far as parity in currency, the pound is worth more than the dollar.


8. Prosaic – commonplace or dull; unimaginative

Synonyms: unimaginative, uninspired, humdrum, mundane, plodding

Antonyms: imaginative, inspired

Usage: Students were yawning during the prosaic graduation speech.


9. Rehash – to go over something again

Synonyms: restate, reuse, discuss, reiterate, repeat, rephrase

Antonyms: refuse, deny

Usage: The husband and wife seem to always rehash their arguments


10. Roister – enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy or boisterous way

Synonyms: celebrate, revel, carouse, frolic, romp

Antonyms: disappoint, hate

Usage: The winner couldn’t help but shout and roister when his lottery numbers were drawn.

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