Vocabulary Set – 16

1. Embezzle – steal or misappropriate

Synonyms: defalcate, misapply, peculate, abstract, purloin

Antonyms: reimburse, compensate, receive

Usage: Four Mysore Sugar employees accused of embezzlement.


2. Venal – showing or motivated by susceptibility to bribery; corrupt.

Synonyms: amoral, dishonourable, unscrupulous, mercenary

Antonyms: ethical, upright, truthful, scrupulous

Usage: Because the mayor was a venal man, he had no problem accepting bribes from real estate developers.


3. Agape – (of a person’s mouth) wide open in surprise or wonder.

Synonyms: astonished, awestruck, confounded, overwhelmed

Antonyms: apathetic, indifferent, unconcerned, unimpressed, unmoved

Usage: Results of assembly elections from Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand left millions of Indians agape


4. Extol – praise enthusiastically.

Synonyms: acclaim, commend, eulogize, exalt, glorify

Antonyms: castigate, denounce, humiliate, debase

Usage: I got angry when my mother would extol my brother’s accomplishments and ignore all the good things I did.


5. Enfeeble – make weak or feeble.

Synonyms: debilitate, incapacitate, indispose, prostrate, immobilize

Antonyms: invigorate, refresh, energize,

Usage: Trade unions are in an enfeebled state.


6. Profligacy – reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources.

Synonyms: absurdity, amenity, dissipation, exaggeration, exorbitance

Antonyms: economy, frugality, lack

Usage: After the millionaire saw evidence of his new wife’s profligate spending, he quickly filed for a divorce.


7. Delinquent – tending to commit crime, particularly minor crime.

Synonyms: tardy, derelict, slack, blameworthy, censurable, culpable

Antonyms: behaving, careful, responsible

Usage: Minister orders action against `delinquent’ doctors.


8. Semblance – the outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different.

Synonyms: pretence, facade, front, veneer, guise

Antonyms: concrete, difference, dissimilarity

Usage: Even though I was nervous during my presentation, I tried to project a semblance of calmness while speaking.


9. Conundrum – a confusing and difficult problem or question.

Synonyms: enigma, mystery, puzzlement

Antonyms: axiom, explanation, proposition, solution

Usage: Trying to solve this conundrum is really making my head hurt.


10. Crescendo – Gradually increasing in volume, grow louder.

Synonyms: escalation, apex, ascension, crest, culmination

Antonyms: base ,bottom, decline, nadir

Usage: When the man’s pain hit a crescendo, he passed into unconsciousness.

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