Vocabulary Set – 53

1. Sordid – very bad or dirty

Synonyms: disreputable, nasty, shameful, sleazy, squalid, abject, avaricious

Antonyms: clean, decent

Usage: If people learn of the politician’s sordid past, they will not vote for him.


2. Primordial – in the beginning; in a basic way

Synonyms: prehistoric, primal, primeval, primitive, pristine

Antonyms: modern, latest

Usage: Man’s first language was primordial and consisted of only a few words.


3. Cupidity – excessive desire or greed

Synonyms: acquisitiveness, avarice, infatuation, covetousness, eagerness

Antonyms: apathy, dislike

Usage: John’s cupidity led him to try and rob the bank.


4. Fulcrum – the thing or individual upon which everything depends

Synonyms: blueprint, interpretation, code, symptom, guide, indicator,

Antonyms: exterior, outside

Usage: The fulcrum of the new project is the concrete foundation which must support the entire building.


5. Erratum – an error in text that is later corrected

Synonyms: error, mistake, typo

Antonyms: accuracy, correction

Usage: An erratum at the bottom of the article contains a correction for a spelling error.


6. Gallant – fearless and daring

Synonyms: bring about, inflict, unleash, wreck, execute

Antonyms: scarce, meager, scant

Usage: Unfortunately the fireman’s gallant effort to save the woman came too late.


7. Galore – in a huge amount

Synonyms: abounding, aplenty, in profusion, plentiful

Antonyms: calm, gentle, mild

Usage: Because there is food galore at the party, I know I will not go hungry.


8. Obdurate – stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action.

Synonyms: implacable, adamant, bullhead, callous, dogged

Antonyms: amenable, susceptible

Usage: Because Janice was obdurate, she did not shed a single tear while hearing the tragic story.


9. Pensive – expressing or revealing sad thoughtfulness

Synonyms: contemplative, dreamy, sober, thoughtful, wistful

Antonyms: negligent, uncaring

Usage: After losing his job, he became more pensive than ever.


10. Plucky – brave and determined

Synonyms: courageous, gutsy, heroic, spirited, spunky, valiant

Antonyms: cowardly, timid, afraid

Usage: His plucky attitude made him a great candidate for police officer training academy.

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