Vocabulary Set – 52

1. Recalcitrant – stubborn, uncooperative attitude.

Synonyms: fractious, obstinate, rebellious, wayward, contrary, contumacious

Antonyms: agreeable, compliant, manageable

Usage: Because of its two recalcitrant members, the committee got very little work done.


2. Aberrant – straying from the normal or right way

Synonyms: abnormal, deviant, weird, atypical, bizarre

Antonyms: normal, regular, usual, same

Usage: When the astronomer looked into the telescope, he was shocked by the sight of a star moving in an aberrant path.


3. Abysmal – extremely bad

Synonyms: boundless, complete, deep, endless, extreme, illimitable

Antonyms: infinite

Usage: Jimmy cannot go to the party because of his abysmal behavior.


4. Imminent – about to happen.

Synonyms: forthcoming, impending, inevitable, likely, looming, expectant

Antonyms: avoidable, distant, escapable

Usage: Despite what the scientist said, the volcano eruption is not imminent so do not be concerned!


5. Jejune – unsophisticated

Synonyms: arid, banal, barren, bland, childish, innocuous, insipid

Antonyms: amazing, entertaining

Usage: Some have called his conducting inspiring; others dismiss it as jejune.


6. Wreak – cause a lot of damage or harm

Synonyms: bring about, inflict, unleash, wreck, execute

Antonyms:  neglect

Usage: Terrorists love to wreak damage wherever they can.


7. Tumultuous – making an uproar or loud, confused noise.

Synonyms: boisterous, fierce, hectic, raucous, riotous, stormy, turbulent

Antonyms: calm, gentle, mild

Usage: Security found it difficult to control the tumultuous mob during the parade.


8. Spurt – an unexpected short surge of activity, development or effort

Synonyms: commotion, eruption, explosion, outburst, spate

Antonyms: peace, continuity

Usage: With a spurt of energy, Lionel was able to cross over the finish line.


9. Enviable – very desirable

Synonyms: advantageous, fortunate, excellent, privileged, covetable

Antonyms: bad, disadvantageous

Usage: Most of the real estate agents are jealous of Peter’s enviable sales record.


10. Travesty – a false or distorted representation of something, usually of something serious

Synonyms: distortion, exaggeration, farce, mockery, perversion, satire,

Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity

Usage: Allowing students to cheat on tests is a travesty of education.

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