Vocabulary Set – 50

1. Ambush – lying in wait in concealed position

Synonyms: ambuscade, camouflage, concealment, deception, hiding, lurking

Antonyms: frankness, honesty

Usage: I called the police because I was sure that a man was lying in ambush behind my car.


2. Swoop – descend quickly.

Synonyms: dive, plummet, pounce, fall, plunge, rush, slide

Antonyms: rise, ascend

Usage: The owl can swoop down on a mouse in total darkness.


3. Inexplicable – unable to be explained or accounted for.

Synonyms: unexplainable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable

Antonyms: comprehensible, explainable, fathomable, intelligible

Usage: For some inexplicable reason her mind went completely blank


4. Ruckus – a commotion or disturbance

Synonyms: brawl, fracas, fuss, hubbub, quarrel, stink, upheaval, uproar

Antonyms: harmony, peace

Usage: The effects of the ruckus from the angry citizens left many people arrested for disturbing the peace.


5. Afoul – to come into conflict with

Synonyms: erroneously, faultily, improperly, inappropriately, mistakenly

Antonyms: right

Usage: Pretty sure killing people on a sovereign nation’s soil might fall afoul of that nation’s laws.


6. Proffer – hold out or put forward (something) to someone for acceptance.

Synonyms: propound, extend, propose, proposition, submit,  volunteer

Antonyms: conceal, fight, hold, refrain

Usage: Since I am hungry, I am happy to accept your proffer of a meal.


7. Confiscate – take or seize (someone’s property) with authority.

Synonyms: appropriate, expropriate, impound, annex, arrogate, assume

Antonyms: give, offer

Usage: The government confiscated his property early in the war


8. Fete – honour or entertain (someone) lavishly.

Synonyms: banquet, carnival, festival, fiesta,  pageant

Usage: She was an instant celebrity, feted by the media


9. Disposition – the way that someone normally thinks and behaves.

Synonyms: habit, inclination, mood, personality, propensity, temper, tendency

Antonyms: disinclination, dislike, hatred

Usage: Whenever my uncle was feeling ill, his friendly disposition disappeared.


10. Retort – a quick reply to a question or remark

Synonyms: quip, rejoinder, repartee, antiphon, counter, reprisal

Antonyms: questions, request

Usage: She tried to think of a retort, but couldn’t.

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