Vocabulary Set – 49

1. Dreadful – extremely bad or serious.

Synonyms: abominable, alarming, appalling, atrocious, awful, distressing

Antonyms: advantageous, beautiful, comforting, delightful

Usage: There’s been a dreadful accident


2. Rabid – having excessive enthusiasm for something or someone

Synonyms: delirious, fanatical, fervent, frenzied, furious, virulent, zealous

Antonyms: apathetic, calm, disinterested, dispassionate

Usage: Rabid viewers of the television show repeatedly watch their favorite episodes.


3. Perverse – not normal or proper

Synonyms: contradictory, wicked, antankerous, capricious

Antonyms: agreeable, compliant

Usage: The psychopath gets a perverse sense of enjoyment from torturing animals.


4. Brunt – the most unpleasant part of something

Synonyms: burden, force, impact, pressure, shock, strain, violence

Antonyms: ease, peace, relaxation

Usage: The security forces have had to bear the brunt of public anger


5. Insuperable – impossible to overcome.

Synonyms: insurmountable, unconquerable, invincible, unassailable

Antonyms: susceptible, amenable

Usage: The condition will be even worse in another five years and soon it will be insuperable.


6. Futile – incapable of producing any useful result

Synonyms: pointless, useless, worthless, ineffectual, ineffective

Antonyms: effective, fruitful, helpful, productive

Usage: Unfortunately, all rescue attempts were futile during the hurricane.


7. Traitorous – disloyal

Synonyms: apostate, betraying, faithless, perfidious, recreant

Antonyms: loyal

Usage: We waste our time in futile debates about who is more traitorous amongst Kashmiris.


8. Platitude – something that has been said so often that it is not interesting anymore

Synonyms: banality, bromide, inanity, evenness, insipidity

Antonyms: coinage, nuisance

Usage: The politician ended his speech with a platitude about every man’s right to vote.


9. Trickle – run out

Synonyms: percolate, dribble, exude, distill

Antonyms: pour, flow

Usage: Before it began to gush, the roof leak started off as a trickle.


10. Repudiate – refuse to accept; reject.

Synonyms: abandon, disavow, dismiss, disown, forsake, recant, renounce

Antonyms: accept, allow, emphasize

Usage: During his next speech, the president will repudiate blame for the economic situation.

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