Vocabulary Set – 48

1. Masquerade – pretend to be someone one is not.

Synonyms: pretence, deception, facade, disguise, dissimulation, subterfuge

Antonyms: reality, openness

Usage: In front of the media, the politician masqueraded as a decent human being.


2. Infringement – the action of breaking the terms of a law

Synonyms: contravention, violation, transgression, breach, complaince

Antonyms: obedience

Usage: Conspiracy groups believe the government is constantly passing laws that infringe on the rights of the people.


3. Appal – to fill or overcome with horror

Synonyms: horify, shock, dismay, outrage, scandalize, disgust

Antonyms: comfort, encourage, satisfy

Usage: Bankers are appalled at the economic incompetence of some ministers


4. Trivialise – make (something) seem less important, significant

Synonyms: dismiss, underestimate, undervalue, devalue, belittle, deprecate

Antonyms: rmaximize, articulate, emphasize

Usage: The problem was either trivialized or ignored by teachers


5. Savagery – the quality of being fierce or cruel

Synonyms: brutality, ferocity, fierceness, violence, viciousness, barbarity

Antonyms: kindness

Usage: Dictators in communist governments usually rule through savagery.


6. Abjure – to give up a belief or an activity

Synonyms: renounce, relinquish, disavow, abandon, disclaim, repudiate

Antonyms: acknowledge, allow, embrace

Usage: Although chocolate cake is Martha’s favorite dessert, she has chosen to abjure it while on her diet.


7. Tantamount – virtually the same as

Synonyms: identical, commensurate, duplicate, equivalent, parallel

Antonyms: different, reverse, opposite

Usage: To leave a dog in a hot car is tantamount to torture.


8. Genuflect – to show great respect or devotion

Synonyms: cutsy, bow, stoop, grovel, scrape

Antonyms: cease, disobey, ignore

Usage: The servants genuflect to their royal employers by bowing before them.


9. Acquiescence – to agree or express agreement

Synonyms: acceptance, assent, concurrence, consent, obedience, yielding

Antonyms: dissent, denial, refusal

Usage: The administration decided to acquiesce and let the students have a dance.


10. Ubiquitous – present, appearing, or found everywhere.

  • Synonyms: omnipresent, pervasive, everywhere, uniquitary
  • Antonyms: rare, scarce
  • Usage: Because the police presence was ubiquitous at the parade, everyone felt very safe.

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