Vocabulary Set – 43

1. Mockery – teasing and contemptuous language

Synonyms: ridicule, derision, sneering, contempt, scorn, scoffing, sarcasm

Antonyms: honesty, openness, flattery, praise, respect

Usage: Her unusual fashion sense makes her a topic of mockery at school.


2. Erroneous – wrong; incorrect.

Synonyms: inaccurate, imprecise, invalid, untrue, fallacious, askew

Antonyms: accurate, correct, genuine

Usage: Employers sometimes make erroneous assumptions


3. Denigrate – to assault someone’s character or reputation

Synonyms: besmirch, defame, impugn, slander, asperse, disparage, calumniate

Antonyms: approve, commend, compliment

Usage: You should not denigrate other people unless you want individuals to attack your reputation in retaliation


4. Recalcitrant – stubborn, uncooperative attitude.

Synonyms: fractious, obstinate, rebellious, wayward, contumacious, defiant

Antonyms: agreeable, compliant, manageable

Usage: Over time, the hopeless soldiers became recalcitrant and refused to follow orders.


5. Invective – insulting, abusive, or highly critical language.

Synonyms: denunciation, diatribe, epithet, blasphemy, castigation, berating

Antonyms: compliment, exculpation, flattery

Usage: The newspaper’s invective of the novel really made the author angry.


6. Volley – utter or discharge in quick succession.

Synonyms: burst, crossfire, battery, bombardment, cannonade, enfilade

Usage: The dog was volleying joyful barks


7. Affront – An action or remark that causes outrage or offence.

Synonyms: indignity, provocation, aspersion, abuse, brickbat

Antonyms: respect, happiness

Usage: He took his son’s desertion as a personal affront


8. Onus – something that is one’s duty or responsibility.

Synonyms: burden, liability, obligation, culpability, mantle, encumbrance

Antonyms: advantage, benefit

Usage: It is the onus of the applicant to completely fill out the application materials.


9. Gratuitous – done without good reason; uncalled for.

Synonyms: spontaneous, chargeless, complimentary, voluntary

Antonyms: costly, deserved, expensive

Usage: He’s always looking for gratuitous attention from his classmates by pulling all sorts of reckless stunts.


10. Holler – give a loud shout or cry.

Synonyms: bawl, shriek, scream, whoop, thunder, bellow, vociferate

Antonyms: whisper

Usage: The audience responded with whoops and hollers.

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