Vocabulary Set – 42

1. Umbrage – offence or annoyance.

Synonyms: chagrin, exasperation, fury, indignation, resentment, pique

Antonyms: cheer, comfort, delight, enjoyment

Usage: She took umbrage at his remarks


2. Intemperate – having or showing a lack of self-control

Synonyms: immoderate, excessive, undue, inordinate, unreasonable

Antonyms: moderate

Usage: John has intemperate mood swings he cannot seem to control.


3. Sojourn – a temporary stay.

Synonyms: layover, stopover, residence, tarriance, vacation

Usage: I am looking forward to my sojourn at the beach during spring break.


4. Complacent – pleased, especially with oneself or one’s merits

Synonyms: triumphant, smug, conceited, obsequious, serene

Antonyms: concerned, discontent, unsure

Usage: Picky eaters are never complacent unless you fully cater to their tastes.


5. Convolute – make complicated

Synonyms: contort, snaking, tangle, intricate, coil

Antonyms: explicate, straighten

Usage: My head began to hurt as I listened to the professor’s convoluted speech.


6. Morph – smooth changes

Synonyms: alter, transform, mutate, recast, deform

Antonyms: maintain, stagnate, preserve

Usage: The images morph into maps of our solar system.


7. Proximate – closest in relationship; immediate; nearly accurate

Synonyms: direct, forthcoming, imminent, nearby

Antonyms: distant, foregone

Usage: China likely to remain the proximate source of trouble.


8. Disdain – unworthy of one’s consideration or respect

Synonyms: antipathy, arrogance, aversion, contempt, derision, ridicule

Antonyms: admiration, affection, approval, flattery

Usage: I have an utter disdain for people that want something for nothing.


9. Oppression – prolonged cruel or unjust treatment

Synonyms: abuse, brutality, coercion, cruelty, despotism, dictatorship

Antonyms: kindness, blessing, democracy

Usage: The dictator uses fear to oppress his people.


10. Espouse – adopt or support

Synonyms: adopt, advocate, defend, embrace, maintain

Antonyms: attack, desert, reject, disagree

Usage: Even though you’re my best friend, I can’t espouse your radical views on the death sentence.

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