Vocabulary Set – 38

1. Fraught – filled with (something undesirable)

Synonyms: charged, replete, abounding, attended, bristling, laden, stuffed

Antonyms: empty

Usage: Their world is fraught with danger.


2. Corroborate – confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).

Synonyms: authenticate, substantiate, validate, certify, endorse, establish

Antonyms: disprove, invalidate, veto, contradict

Usage: I prayed my friend would corroborate the lie I told my parents!


3. Conducive – making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Synonyms: avourable, valuable, advantageous, opportune, propitious

Antonyms: useless, worthless, adverse, discouraging, hindering

Usage: Your negative attitude is not conducive to a good relationship.


4. Scuttle – run hurriedly or furtively with short quick steps.

Synonyms: scamper, scurry, scramble, bustle, skip, trot, hasten

Antonyms: decelerate, crawl, drag

Usage: A mouse scuttled across the floor.


5. Artifice – a clever trick.

Synonyms: contrivance, gimmick, expedient, gambit, machination, maneuver

Antonyms: honesty, artlessness, candor, frankness

Usage: The magician’s illusion was nothing but a cleverly designed artifice.


6. Meretricious – apparently attractive but having no real value.

Synonyms: blatant, brazen, counterfeit, spurious, pretentious,

Antonyms: genuine, unembellished

Usage: This writer usually writes with such a meretricious style that his books are only published in paperback.


7. Adroit – clever or skilful.

Synonyms: adept, artful, deft, masterful, nimble, dexterous, astute

Antonyms: awkward, clumsy, ignorant. incompetent. ineptunable

Usage: He was adroit at tax avoidance


8. Scrunch – make a loud crunching noise.

Synonyms: compress, rumple, squash, squeeze, crumple up

Antonyms: expand, uncompress

Usage: The dry leaves scrunched under our feet.


9. Expanse – a wide continuous area of something.

Synonyms: stretch, swathe, vastness, amplitude, immensity

Antonyms: extreme, limitation

Usage: The city park is a beautiful expanse of green in the center of town.


10. Reverberate – repeated several times as an echo

Synonyms: echo, resound, react, rebound, recoil, redound

Antonyms: quieten

Usage: Her voice reverberated around the classroom

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