Vocabulary Set – 37

1. Rambunctious – difficult to control or handle

Synonyms: boisterous, noisy, raucous, rowdy, unruly, rough, rude, termagant

Antonyms: restrained, silent, introverted, meek

Usage: It was a rambunctious party, and one could find people from every walks of life joining in without having any kind of discomfort.


2. Mete – dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment.

Synonyms: dispense, apportion, distribute, parcel out, portion out, bestow, assign, administer

Antonyms: collect, combine, gather, hold, join, keep

Usage: The judge will mete out very harsh sentences when he’s in an unpleasant mood.


3. Chastise – rebuke or reprimand severely.

Synonyms: upbraid, berate, reprove, admonish, chide, censure, castigate

Antonyms: compliment, laud, praise, assist, guard

Usage: He chastised his colleagues for their laziness


4. Primordial – existing at or from the beginning of time; basic and fundamental.

Synonyms: prehistoric, antediluvian, antique, primeval, primitive, primal

Antonyms: modern, new, latest

Usage: According to the Bible, life began with the primordial creation of Adam and Eve.


5. Sullen – bad-tempered and sulky.

Synonyms: morose, resentful, glum,  frowning,  grumpy, peevish, indignant

Antonyms: agreeable, bright, cheerful, friendly, gentle

Usage: The sullen criminal refused to follow the police officer’s instructions.


6. Magnanimous – generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person.

Synonyms: benevolent, munificent, bountiful, philanthropic, chivalrous

Antonyms: stingy, selfish, uncharitable

Usage: Because she was kind and generous, the magnanimous queen was loved by all.


7. Subservient – prepared to obey others unquestioningly.

Synonyms: submissive, deferential, acquiescent, duteous, biddable, meek, docile, ductile, pliant

Antonyms: disobedient, controlling, domineering

Usage: She was subservient to her parents


8. Enslave – make (someone) a slave (of something).

Synonyms: coerce, disenfranchise, imprison, incarcerate, shackle, subjugate

Antonyms: emancipate, release, disconnect, liberate

Usage: His drug addiction has completely enslaved him.


9. Chauvinism – exaggerated or aggressive patriotism.

Synonyms: fanaticism, jingoism, nationalism, narrowness, zealotry, bellicism

Antonyms: unbias

Usage:Even today, women continue to experience chauvinism when they pursue careers that were once dominated by men.


10. Blatant – (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly.

Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, obvious, undisguised, unconcealed, transparent, patent, evident, manifest, palpable, unmistakable

Antonyms: concealed, hidden, moral, secret, inconspicuous

Usage: The drunk driver’s blatant disregard for the lives of others earned him seven years in prison.

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