Vocabulary Set – 34

1. Efficacy – the ability to produce a desired or intended result.

Synonyms: adequacy, competence, effectiveness, potency, virtue, capableness

Antonyms: enervation, failure, idleness, impotence, inactivity

Usage: The efficacy of the RBI’s liquidity management toolkit will impinge on another key concern: inflation.


2. Impinge – have an effect, especially a negative one.

Synonyms: encroach, infringe, intrude, violate, meddle, invade

Antonyms: dodge, avoid

Usage: The efficacy of the RBI’s liquidity management toolkit will impinge on another key concern: inflation.


3. Prevarication – a false or deliberate misstatement

Synonyms: dishonesty, equivocation, falsehood, deceitfulness, distortion

Antonyms: honesty, truth

Usage: Her many prevarications had apparently paid off; she was free to go.


4. Entrench – establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.

Synonyms: establish, settle, ensconce, lodge, install, embed, anchor,

Antonyms: discourage, dissuade, hurt, weaken

Usage: Entrenched inequality is a concern for China’s leaders, yet their own policies add to the headwinds these regions face.


5. Headwinds – situations or conditions that make growth harder

Antonyms: tailwind

Usage: Entrenched inequality is a concern for China’s leaders, yet their own policies add to the headwinds these regions face.


6. Contort – twist or bend out of the normal shape.

Synonyms: deform, writhe, bend, convolute, curve, gnarl, knot,

Antonyms: straighten, beautify, smooth

Usage: The software contorted our pictures and made us look ridiculous.



7. Swerve – change or cause to change direction abruptly.

Synonyms: skew, deflect, lurch, stray, deviate, sidestep, depart

Antonyms: go direct, stay, remain, straighten

Usage: Do not make sudden swerves, particularly around parked vehicles


8. Exasperate – irritate intensely

Synonyms: infuriate, incense, madden, enrage, antagonize, pique

Antonyms: appease, assist, comfort, tranquilize, alleviate

Usage: Since I am a hard worker, I get exasperated when I am placed on a team with lazy people.


9. Spurious – apparently but not actually valid.

Synonyms: bogus, factitious, counterfeit, trumped-up, feigned, pretended

Antonyms: genuine, real, valid, authentic

Usage: Traffic police routinely stop drivers for spurious reasons, expecting a bribe in return for letting them proceed.


10. Doughty – brave and persistent.

Synonyms: dauntless, resolute, indomitable, intrepid, plucky, undaunted

Antonyms: timid

Usage: Even the possibility of death in the jungle was not enough to scare away the doughty explorer.

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