Vocabulary Set – 31

1. Schism – a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties

Synonyms: alienation, discord, disunion, faction, disagreement

Antonyms: closure, harmony, conformity, juncture

Usage: The widening schism between Church leaders and politicians


2. Penury – the state of being very poor; extreme poverty.

Synonyms: : impoverishment, indigence, destitution, privation, deprivation

Antonyms: penty, wealth, sufficiency

Usage: He couldn’t face another year of penury


3. Arcane – understood by few; mysterious or secret.

Synonyms: mysterious, concealed, covert, clandestine, enigmatic, recondite

Antonyms: common, known, normal

Usage: People always inquired why the identity of my grandfather was kept arcane.


4. Catapult – to move or spring up suddenly, quickly, or forcibly

Synonyms: impel, propel, launch

Antonyms: stationary

Usage: When he heard the alarm he catapulted out of bed.


5. Moribund – at the point of death.

Synonyms: doomed, fading, mortal

Antonyms: thriving, recovering

Usage: As the moribund man held his Bible and took his last breath, a bright light appeared in the corner of the room.


6. Accomplice – a person who helps another commit a crime.

Synonyms: aide, associate, co-conspirator, collaborator, conspirator, abettor

Antonyms: antagonist, adversary, opponent

Usage: He was arrested as an accomplice to murder


7. Bemoan – express discontent or sorrow over (something).

Synonyms: lament, bewail, deplore, mourn, regret

Antonyms: praise, gloat, applaud

Usage: Because his injury did not seem to be healing, she began to bemoan her treatment.


8. Beguile – charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way.

Synonyms: entice, betray, delude, dupe, exploit, hoodwink, jockey, juggle

Antonyms:  disenchant, repulse, refuse

Usage: He beguiled the voters with his good looks


9. Chivalrous – having the qualities of chivalry, as courage, courtesy, and loyalty.

Synonyms: benevolent, gracious, considerate, courageous, courtly,

Antonyms: afraid, cowardly, fearful

Usage: Teachers may be more chivalrous towards girls.


10. Dwindle – diminish gradually in size, amount, or strength.

Synonyms: abate, decay, decline, ebb, shrink, shrivel, plummet

Antonyms: ascend, enhance, improve, prolong

Usage: Her career dwindled over the years

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