Vocabulary Set – 30

1. Ostensible – stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.

Synonyms: superficial, professed, avowed, presumed, purported, feigned, specious

Antonyms: improbable, genuine, obscure

Usage: Ostensibly, the undercover cop looked like a regular college student.


2. Cumbersome – large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy.

Synonyms: : unmanageable, awkward, clumsy, incommodious. hefty

Antonyms: convenient, helpful, airy, manageable

Usage: The assignment was so cumbersome that he had to hire six temporary workers to assist her.


3. Leapfrog – to jump over (a person or thing)

Synonyms: bounce, dive, hurdle, plunge, canter, upsurge

Antonyms: ascent, increase, decrease, decline

Usage: He leapfrogged the fence to reach the crying child.


4. Alacrity – brisk and cheerful readiness.

Synonyms: eagerness, willingness, readiness; enthusiasm, ardour, fervour

Antonyms: apathy, coolness, lethargy, discouragement

Usage: My alacrity for playing basketball with friends is much higher than writing a boring research paper.


5. Collate – collect and combine (texts, information, or data).

Synonyms: accumulate, assemble; combine, aggregate, systematize

Antonyms: separate, disperse, scatter, distribute

Usage: All the information obtained is being collated


6. Intractable – hard to control or deal with.

Synonyms: incurable, intransigent, stubborn, unmanageable, cantankerous

Antonyms: willing, manageable

Usage: Additional police officers were called to the scene when the crowd became intractable.


7. Joust – to contend, compete, or struggle

Synonyms: bout, contest, duel, tilt, tourney

Antonyms: agreement

Usage: The candidates will joust in a television debate.


8. Glitzy – attractive in a showy and often superficial way.

Synonyms: conspicuous, flagrant, glaring, outright, overt, shameless, arrant

Antonyms:  concealed, subtle, inconspicuous, hidden

Usage: glitzy hotel restaurants


9. Mettle – a person’s ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience.

Synonyms: tenacity, fortitude, valour, determination, audacity

Antonyms: cowarice, timidity, indecision, apathy

Usage: To prove his mettle, he had to spend an hour alone in the haunted house on the hill.


10. Picturesque – (of a place or building) visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.

Synonyms: beautiful, delightful, quaint, scenic, vivid, pleasant

Antonyms: dreary, offensive, hideous, drab

Usage: The picturesque hotel has been on the cover of numerous travel magazines.

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