Vocabulary Set – 28

1. Laconic – using very few words

Synonyms: concise, terse, succinct, short, economical, elliptical

Antonyms: verbose, long-winded, loquacious

Usage: His laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic


2. Doleful – expressing sorrow; mournful

Synonyms: morose, melancholy, miserable, fowretched, woebegone

Antonyms: cheerful

Usage: The doleful music made everyone cry.


3. Propitiate – win or regain the favour of (a god, spirit, or person) by doing something that pleases them.

Synonyms: appease, atone, mollify, placate, assuage

Antonyms: agitate, incite, irritate, provoke

Usage: He thought it was important to propitiate the gods with sacrifices


4. Doldrum – a state or period of stagnation or depression.

Synonyms: melancholy,dejection, despondency, dispiritedness, glumness

Antonyms: happiness, busy, lively

Usage: The market has been in the doldrums for three years.


5. Advent – the arrival of a notable person or thing.

Synonyms: origin, birth, rise, development, approach, appearence

Antonyms: departure, disappearance

Usage: The advent of television.


6. Pellucid – translucently clear.

Synonyms: transparent, crystalline, bright, glassy, limpid, unclouded

Antonyms: cloudy, opaque

Usage: The poem was easy to understand because of its pellucid style.


7. Castigate – reprimand (someone) severely.

Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, admonish, chastise, chide, upbraid

Antonyms: praise, commend

Usage: He was castigated for not setting a good example.


8. Haggard – looking exhausted and unwell, especially from fatigue, worry, or suffering.

Synonyms: careowrn, raddled, sickly, gaunt, asehn, pallid

Antonyms:  fresh, healthy

Usage: She was pale and haggard.


9. Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination.

Synonyms: plucky, intrepid, heroic, lionhearted, daring, audacious, gallant

Antonyms: cowardly, irresolute

Usage: She made a valiant effort to hold her anger in check.


10. Edifice – a large, imposing building.

Synonyms: : building, structure, construction, erection, pile, complex

Usage: The church on the corner is the oldest edifice in the country.

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