Vocabulary Set – 24

1. Precipitous – dangerously high or steep.

Synonyms: abrupt, craggy, dizzying, sharp, arduous

Antonyms: calm, flat, kind, nice

Usage: You should think before you do precipitous stunts that endanger your life.


2. Abase – to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation; humble; degrade.

Synonyms: belittle, debase, degrade, demean, diminish, disgrace, dishonor

Antonyms: compliment, elevate, enhance, esteem, expand

Usage: I watched my colleagues abasing themselves before the board of trustees.


3. Espionage – the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information.

Synonyms: intelligence, reconnaissance, shadowing, tailing

Usage: Espionage is a secret way of finding out what your enemy doesn’t want you to know.


4. Absurdity – a state of flustered excitement or fear.

Synonyms: craziness, farce, folly, foolishness, insanity, silliness, stupidity

Antonyms: intelligence, judgment, seriousness, wisdom

Usage: To believe that the earth is flat is an absurdity.


5. Convulse – to shake violently; agitate.

Synonyms: shake up, torment, agitate, bother, disturb

Antonyms: calm, order, quiet, soothe

Usage: He convulsed hard five times.


6. Ticklish – difficult or tricky and requiring careful handling.

Synonyms: awkward, delicate, precarious, thorny, touchy, volatile

Antonyms: firm, stable, strong

Usage: Car makers are facing the ticklish problem of how to project products at new buyers.


7. Contrite – feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong.

Synonyms: apologetic, humble, remorseful, repentant, attritional

Antonyms: hurtful, indifferent, mean, unrepentant

Usage: Show how contrite you are by writing an apology letter.


8. Abstruse – difficult to understand; obscure.

Synonyms: : esoteric, perplexing, enigmatic, complex, complicated

Antonyms: clear, concrete, lucid, obvious

Usage: Most of the medical research on the subject seems abstruse to the average man.


9. Hurl – throw or impel (someone or something) with great force.

Synonyms: fire, fling, heave, lob, sling, chuck

Antonyms: hold, keep, receive

Usage: Angered at this, his father hurled him into the sea.


10. Gambit – an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset of a situation.

Synonyms: artifice, design, device, gimmick, jig, maneuver

Antonyms: frankness, honesty

Usage: Once again my brother got a free lunch by performing her gambit of leaving her purse at home.

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