Vocabulary Set – 20

1. Debunk – expose the falseness or hollowness of (an idea or belief).

Synonyms: demystify, disparage, mock, puncture, deflate, uncloak

Antonyms: flatter, praise, prove, uphold

Usage: The scientist hoped to debunk the genetic theory by completing his own research.


2. Fret – be constantly or visibly anxious.

Synonyms: agonize, bother, brood, chafe, torment, grieve, affront, anguish

Antonyms: appease, placate, ignore, delight

Usage: After she lost the part in the school play, she would sit and fret about her situation.


3. Bewilder – to confuse or puzzle completely; perplex

Synonyms: baffle, befuddle, bemuse, confound, disconcert, distract, fluster

Antonyms: calm, clarify, comfort, enlighten, explicate

Usage: She was bewildered by his sudden change of mood.


4. Succinct – (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed.

Synonyms: pithy, breviloquent, brusque, compact, compendiary

Antonyms: lengthy, long-winded, polite, wordly

Usage: Everyone was happy when the politician made a succinct speech that did not take all evening.


5. Rampage – move through a place in a violent and uncontrollable manner.

Synonyms: binge, destruction, disturbance, frenzy, orgy, spree, turmoil

Antonyms: calm, order, peace, happiness

Usage: Several thousand demonstrators rampaged through the city.


6. Cripple – cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly.

Synonyms: debilitate, hamstring, immobilize, incapacitate, injure, paralyze

Antonyms: mend, mobilize, capacitate

Usage: A young student was crippled for life.


7. Cobble – to put together roughly or clumsily.

Synonyms: assemble, complete, construct, fabricate, synthesize

Antonyms: break,,demolish, destroy, separate

Usage: In the end, I did my best to cobble together.


8. Complacent – showing uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements.

Synonyms: confident, satisfied, smug, conceited, egotistic, gratified

Antonyms: unhappy, unsure, concerned, discontent

Usage: Political parties become complacent when they face no opposition.


9. Ominous – giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen

Synonyms: menacing, baleful, forbidding, doomy, unpropitious, portentous

Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious

Usage: Her ominous tone did not register with him.


10. Faux – made in imitation; artificial.

Synonyms: ersatz, unreal, counterfeit, fabricated, factitious

Antonyms: authentic, genuine, natural

Usage: Their faux concern for the well-being of the voters didn’t fool many.

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