Vocabulary Set – 18

1. Cohort – a group of people with a shared characteristic.

Synonyms: companion, comrade, disciple, follower, accomplice, adherent

Antonyms: enemy, foe, opponent, adversary

Usage: 104-million-strong cohort continues to expand at an accelerating pace.


2. Sporadic – occurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolated.

Synonyms: desultory, fitful, infrequent, intermittent, irregular, isolated

Antonyms: common, constant, frequent, systematic

Usage: Since my father left my mother and me twenty years ago, he has made sporadic appearances in my life.


3. Emblematic – serving as a symbol of a particular quality or concept; symbolic.

Synonyms: representative, demonstrative, suggestive, symptomatic, indicative

Antonyms: actual, literal, nonsymbolic

Usage: Waving to someone is an emblematic way to say goodbye.


4. Sluggish – slow-moving or inactive.

Synonyms: heavy, inactive, lethargic, listless, slack, stagnant

Antonyms: active, alert, energetic, lively

Usage: The game is similar to previous one, though it is sometimes sluggish due to hardware restrictions.


5. Skulduggery – underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.

Synonyms: sharp practice, underhandedness, chicanery

Antonyms: artlessness, forthrightness, guilelessness, ingenuousness

Usage: The people will not believe him, they will always suspect skullduggery.


6. Attune – make receptive or aware.

Synonyms: accommodate, accustom, adapt, conform, acclimatize

Antonyms: disarrange, disagree, refuse

Usage: He must have been attuned to the signs.


7. Lucrative – producing a great deal of profit.

Synonyms: advantageous, gainful, remunerative, bankable

Antonyms: poorly paid, unprofitable

Usage: While my mother’s bakery has not been profitable this year, it was quite lucrative last year.


8. Incarcerate – the state of being confined in prison; imprisonment.

Synonyms: captivity, confinement, restraint

Antonyms: freedom

Usage: The police are going to incarcerate the teen who keeps committing acts of violence.


9. Avarice – extreme greed for wealth or material gain.

Synonyms: avidity, covetousness, cupidity, frugality, greediness

Antonyms: generosity, philanthropy

Usage: Motivated by avarice, the employee stole thousands of dollars from the company vault.


10. Arraign – call or bring (someone) before a court to answer a criminal charge.

  • Synonyms: incriminate, indict, summon, criminate, inculpate, prosecute
  • Antonyms: exculpate, exonerate, discharge
  • Usage: His lawyer was not present when the suspect was set to arraign.

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