Direction (1-10): In each question given below a sentence is given and is divided into three parts I, II and III. For each part a correction statement is also given. You have to determine which part requires correction and mark it as your answer.
Q1. Even as the prevalence of child marriage in this country, it is dubious whether it is possible — or even desirable — to implement the statutory rape law uniformly with the context of marriages.
I. Given the prevalence of child marriage in this country, it is doubtful
ii. if it is possible — or even desirable — to implement
iii. the statutory rape law uniformly in the context of marriages.
A) Only i
B) Only i and iii
C) Only iii
D) Only ii and iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option B
Explanation: The sentence is :- Given the prevalence of child marriage in this country, it is doubtful whether it is possible — or even desirable — to implement
Q2. The argument of state that given the widespread prevalence of child marriage it is not possible to remove the exception might be flawed towards a formal standpoint.
I. The state’s argument that given the widespread prevalence
ii. of child marriage it is not possible to removing the
iii. exception may be flawed from a formal standpoint
A) Only ii
B) Only ii and iii
C) Only i and iii
D) Only iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option C
Explanation: The sentence is :- The state’s argument that given the widespread prevalence of child marriage it is not possible to remove the exception may be flawed from a formal standpoint.
Q3. While 4.2 million people dying prematurely each year from ambient pollution gets relatively little media attention, the effect of heat-trapping greenhouse gases on extreme weather events is coming into sharper focus.
I. Instead of 4.2 million people dying prematurely years from ambient pollution
ii. gets relatively few media attention, the effect of heat-trapping greenhouse
iii. gaseous on extreme weather events is coming into sharper focus.
A) Only ii
B) Only iii
C) Only i
D) Only i and ii
E) No correction required
Answer & Explanation Option E
Explanation: The sentence is :- While 4.2 million people dying prematurely each year from ambient pollution gets relatively little media attention, the effect of heat-trapping greenhouse gases on extreme weather events is coming into sharper focus.
Q4. While the Paris Agreement had been set the world on a long-term path from a low-carbon future, it is a windy path that reflects pragmatism and realities in each individual country.
I. While the Paris Agreement has set the world on a
ii. long-term path towards a low-carbon future, it is a windy
iii. path that reflects pragmatism and realities within each individual country.
A) Only i
B) Only i and ii
C) Only ii
D) Only ii and iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option B
Explanation: The sentence is :- While the Paris Agreement has set the world on a long-term path towards a low-carbon future, it is a windy path that reflects pragmatism and realities in each individual country.
Q5. November UN Climate Conference in Bonn provides an opportunity to not only accelerate emission reductions but to also boost the work of to ensure that the management of climate risk are integrated into disaster risk management as a whole.
I. The November UN Climate Conference in Bonn provides an opportunity
ii. to not only accelerate emission reductions but to also of ensuring that the
iii. management of climate risk is integrated into disaster risk management as a whole.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All i, ii, iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option D
Explanation: The sentence is :- The November UN Climate Conference in Bonn provides an opportunity to not only accelerate emission reductions but to also boost the work of ensuring that the management of climate risk is integrated into disaster risk management as a whole.
Q6. Human right activists have been campaigning against it /for some time from now, seeking more humane/ and dignified ways to end the life given the advancements in science.
I. Human rights activists have been campaigning against it
ii. for some time now, seeking more humane
iii. and dignified ways to end a life given the advancements in science.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All i, ii, iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option D
Explanation: The sentence is :- Human rights activists have been campaigning against it for some time now, seeking more humane and dignified ways to end a life given the advancements in science.
Q7. The article said shooting is a practice authority regimes /promotion; and research has shown injections lead to /severe suffering of about 45 minutes before an individual dies.
I. The article said shooting is a practice authoritarian regimes
ii. promote; and research has shown injections lead to
iii. severe suffering of about 45 minute before an individual dies.
A) Only i
B) Only i and ii
C) Only iii
D) Only i and iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option B
Explanation: The sentence is :- It said said shooting is a practice authoritarian regimes promote; and research has shown injections lead to severe suffering of about 45 minutes before an individual dies.
Q8. After the sabotage of 1(1), and even as all the permanent members of the Security Council /became nuclear weapon power, India, lined with the thinking /of the Father of the Nation, had become the leading champion of disarmament.
I. After the sabotage of 1(1), and even all the permanent members of the Security Council
ii. became nuclear weapon powers, India, in line with the thinking
iii. of the Father of the Nation, became the leading champion of disarmament.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All i , ii and iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option B
Explanation: The sentence is :- After the sabotage of 1(1), and even as all the permanent members of the Security Council became nuclear weapon powers, India, in line with the thinking of the Father of the Nation, became the leading champion of disarmament and did not go nuclear even after a hostile China went down that path just two years after the India-China war of 1962.
Q9. We are instead overtaken by/ a blind jingoistic nationalism, fed with militarism and a /misplaced confidence of war as the way to peace.
I. We are instead being overtaken by
ii. a blind jingoistic nationalism, fed by militarism and a
iii. misplaced confidence in war as the way to peace.
A) Only i
B) Only ii
C) Only iii
D) All i, ii and iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option D
Explanation: The sentence is :- We are instead being overtaken by a blind jingoistic nationalism, fed by militarism and a misplaced confidence in war as the way to peace.
Q10. While passive euthanasiaam — the withdrawal of life supportive in an irretrievable/ situation — became legal following the Aruna Shanbaug case, the government/ is now preparing to institutionalise the practice by moving a bill.
I. While passive euthanasia — the withdrawal of life support in an irretrievable
ii. situation — become legal followed with the Aruna Shanbaug case, the government
iii. is now preparing to institutionalising the practice by moving a bill.
A) Only i
B) Only i and ii
C) Only ii
D) Only i and iii
E) None of these
Answer & Explanation Option D
Explanation: The sentence is :- While passive euthanasia — the withdrawal of life support in an irretrievable situation — became legal following the Aruna Shanbaug case, the government is now preparing to institutionalise the practice by moving a bill.