Sentence Corrections Set – 28

Directions: Which of the phrases A, B, C, and D given below each statement should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is given, mark E as the answer

Q1. The Eunuchs Act, enacted in the Nizam’s dominions, has been in force since 1919 explicitly to control “eunuchs”, that is, people who are both “males in female dress”and those who had undergone “emasculation”.
A) who were both
B) who are either
C) who were either
D) who use to be
E) No Correction Required


 Option A 

Q2. Section 5 provides for the punishment of a eunuch with imprisonment if it could be found that he “has with him or in his house under his control” a boy who is less than 16 years old.
A) It has to be found
B) It found to be that
C) It’s been found that
D) It is found that
E) No Correction Required


 Option D  

Q3. The purpose of elevating certain rights to the stature of guaranteed fundamental rights is to insulate their exerciseto disdain the majorities, whether legislative or popular.”
A) for disdaining of
B) for the disdaining of
C) from the disdain of
D) the disdain of
E) No Correction Required


  Option C

Q4. Sexual orientation is an essential component of identity. Equal protection demands protection the identification ofevery individual without discrimination.
A) the identity of
B) for the identification of
C) of the identity of
D) as the identification of
E) No Correction Required


 Option C 

Q5. There is widespread evidence that the existence of the Eunuchs Act which resulted in a pervasive and continuing practice of criminalisation, illegal detention, torture in custody, and extreme coercion, which includes a perennial threat of arrest.
A) resulted
B) had resulted
C) have resulted
D) has resulted
E)  No Correction Required


 Option D

Q6. The Supreme Court opened  a definitive space in constitutional interpretation that makes the declaration of unconstitutionality of this law by the High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad urgent.
A) has opened up
B) opened up
C) has opened
D) just opened
E) No Correction Required


  Option A  

Q7. Care for the elderly need to be better targeted by the health system and social networks
A) needed to be betterly
B) needs to be better
C) needs to be betterly
D) need to be
E) No Correction Required


 Option B 

Q8. With rising age, numerous physiological changes occur and the risk of chronic diseases rises. The co-occurrence of chronic diseases and disability elevates the risk of mortality.
A) the rising of
B) rising of
C) as the rising of
D) for the rising of
E) No Correction Required


 Option E 

Q9. Nor are the important questions of the impact of these networks and their replicability argued except in a piece-meal manner.
A) lamented except
B) satire except
C) discussed except
D) argued for
E) No Correction Required


 Option  C

Q10. The health system is ill-equipped to deal with surging NCDs; nor is the staff well trained to treat/advise the aged suffering from dementia or frailty, and for early diagnosis and management of conditions such as hypertension.
A) as such
B) as if
C) like
D) just as
E) No Correction Required


 Option E 

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