139. Make off with/away with | (run away, destroy) They made off with the cash and fled. |
140. Make out | (understand the meaning) The police could not make out the coded message they intercepted. |
141. Make over | (transfer possession, convert) Since she had no legal heir, she made over her house in charity. |
142. Make up | (to end (quarrel), compose) You should make an effort to make up a quarrel with your friend. |
143. Make up for | (compensate for) After her long illness she is trying her best to make up for her deficiency in study. |
144. Pass away | (die, expire) On the passing away of his father I sent him a message of condolence. |
145. Pass for | (regarded to be) The TATAS pass for philanthropists in the country. |
146. Pass off | (take place) The elections are likely to pass off peacefully. |
147. Pass oneself off | (show off) The hypocrites always pass themselves off as honest persons. |
148. Pass through | go through, undergo, endure) He is passing through financial difficulties these days. |
149. Pass out | (leave after completing education) The cadets will pass out next month after completing their training. |
150. Pull down | (demolish a structure) Why did they pull the shops down? |
151. Pull off | (succeed) India pulled off victory in the last stage of the match. |
152. Pull through | (recover from illness) I think she’ll pull through her serious illness very soon. |
153. Pull up | (stop, scold) The students were pulled up by the Principal for their misbehaviour with the class teacher. |
154. Pull with | (live together, get on with) He is pulling well with his wife these days. |
155. Put down | (crush, keep down) The riots were put down by the local police. |
156. Put off | (postpone, avoid, discourage) The meeting had to be put off because the President could not come. |
157. Put on | (wear, pretend) It is difficult to put on the appearance of innocence for a long time. |
158. Put out | (extinguish) The fire was put out suddenly. |
159. Put up | (stays, question) He is putting up at a hostel these days. |
160. Put up with | (tolerate patiently) For an honourable person it is difficult to put up with the haughty behaviour of the Directors. |