19. High & dry | (a difficult situation) He was left high & dry by his business partners. |
20. Hit the nail on the head | (to do the right thing at the right time) He hit the nail on the head by resigning his job. |
21. Hobson’s choice | (no alternative) The employees in the private sector have Hobson’s choice because they are forced to accept what they are ordered to do. |
22. Have too many irons in the fire | (doing many things at a time) He is fickle minded arid has too many irons in the fire. |
23. Hold in abeyance | (postpone) For lack of funds the district administration has held the construction of road in abeyance. |
24. High and mighty | (proud persons) The high and mighty forget that everything in the world is transient. |
25. Hard nosed attitude | (aggressive) I don’t know why my teacher always has a hard nosed attitude towards me. |
26. Hold in leash | (to restrain) As a responsible leader of a party you must hold criticism of party workers in leash. |
27. Head and shoulders | (superior) Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee is head and shoulders above his predecessors. |
28. Hold a brief | (to defend someone) It is very improper for parents to hold a brief for their children who are in the wrong. |
29. Hush money | (a bribe) He managed to escape punishment by paying hush money. |
30. Hold at bay | (to prevent enemy from coming) Maharana Partap could not hold the Mughal army at bay for long. |
31. Hit the jack pot | (unexpected success) He hit the jack pot by investing his money in shares. |
32. Helter skelter | (here and there) When the police arrived the rioters ran helter skelter. |
33. Have a brush with | (to have encounter) Our principal had a brush with the Vice Chancellor over the appointment of a lecturer. |
34. Hornet’s nest | (raise controversy) The speaker stirred up hornet’s nest by referring to impending changes in the rules. |
35. Hold somebody to ransom | (to demand concession by making someone captive) It is a pity that a handful of militants are holding the nation to ransom. |
36. Hole and corner | (secret) I have come to know of your hole and corner method of dealing with people. |