DI Table

Table 8

Study the following table carefully to answer the given Questions A team of 5 players Gaurav, Ganesh, Gowtham, Guru and Govind participated in a tournament and played four matches (1 to 4). The following table gives partial information about their individual scores and the total score of the individual players in the tournament.Each column has […]

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Table 1

Study the following table carefully to answer the given questions Parts/Country Body Wheels Engine Others India(INR) 28580 25000 55850 23700 Japan(Yen) 25000 18500 23200 17000 Russia(Ruble) 26500 6580 36500 35000 German(Euro) 600 550 400 485 China(Yuan) 1500 1000 1200 1600 In the table given below the Exchange rates of different currencies against the Rupee are

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